The Lonely
Updated: May 9, 2023

He is one seemingly without origin
Where are his associates, family and friends?
He appears out of the blue and enters your life.
He rarely speaks of his past and people ponder about his life
He remains at a distance, yet he imparts much
To uplift your spirits so you can soar to higher heights
He travels the path of life each day
Longing for someone to hold his hands
He yearns for peace, sincerity, safety and security
He craves for acceptance and heartfelt generosity
How and when will he find these virtues?
He is left to continue his lonesome search.
There are times when his loneliness is like a vapor
The sunbeam shines and makes like brighter
Quite often he meets a special friend that provides him comfort and tender care
His heart is in then illuminated by these golden rays of hope
He enjoys her companionship, and they share heart felt moments together
His life feels complete and his confidence lifts
He then fearlessly faces life’s difficult terrain of twist and turns
His sunshine moments are never forever
As the sad and discouraging thing keeps happening to him
Like pesticides that kill a plant
His persistent loneliness returns to conquer him
The friendship breaks: his spirit is dashed
He no longer keeps in touch as it causes pain
He hates the fact that he is lonely again
What can he do to break its reign?
He tries and tries to right this wrong
And expresses his pain through a tuneful song
However, as he shares his pitiful tale
This tune he hears echoed back to him, “O yeah? You are okay.”
“Okay?” he asks. “If they only knew. This is not the correct descriptive for me.”
He needs care; he needs kindness; he needs love
In order to banish the skyline of gray
He looks ahead with optimism and patiently awaits his day
When his silver line makes its grand display
Lonely, when will his loneliness end?