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This Christmas book is arranged as a continuation of Book Three. Entitled Let's Sight-Sing and Improvise, it seeks to build awareness in the different accompaniment patterns used, as well as the different textures (such as Homophony, Monophony, and Polyphony) that occur in the arrangements. Instead of merely playing through the pieces, the pupil is encouraged to continue to harmonize were blanks are placed, thereby keeping alert to the chords and patterns used. The alertness developed will aid in the foundation of inner hearing and keep the ideas of improvisations flowing. As an experienced music teacher herself, the author also hopes to raise the level of Aural Training and Assessment, and Theory Examinations, in which the pupil is expected to have acquired inner hearing and the skills of writing and creativity. 

The songs included here re evergreen Christmas songs, and will appeal to all young and old. It gives me great pleasure to be able to bring music into the homes of everyone, whether at Christmas time or otherwise. To the Maker of Time and Music, let's all make music in our hearts and ears.

Teaching Points include Pedal Exercise, Finger Technique, Diminished Chord, Concepts of Homophony and Monophony and Polyphony, Melisma, Suspension, Improvising Using Descending Bass Lines, and more theory concepts put into beautiful music for learning through enjoyment.   

SONGS INCLUDE: There's A Song In The Air; Go, Tell It On The Mountain; Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen; We Three Kings; Joy To The World; Away In A Manger; The First Noel; Angels We Have Heard On High; What Child Is This; Silent Night, Holy Night; O Little Town Of Bethlehem; For Unto Us A Child Is Born; ETC


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Remember Your Creator Piano Christmas Lesson Book 4

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