Parents Role in Education
Updated: Aug 25, 2022
What is the role of parents in education?

Creator: SDI Productions | Credit: Getty Images
One of my favourite songs a young boy was Veggie Tales’, I am Promise’. The first verse says:
I am a promise. I am a possibility.
I am a promise with a capital “P”.
I am a great big bundle of potentiality
And I am learnin’ to hear God’s voice
And I am tryin’ to make the right choice
I am a promise to be anything God wants me to be
The song was a constant reminder that as children we possessed unlimited potential. Various factors contribute to whether or not we harness this full potential and experts believe that parental involvement plays a pivotal role in the life of a child.
“It is the nicest work ever assumed by men and women to deal with youthful minds. The greatest care should be taken in the education of youth, to vary the manner of instruction so as to call forth the high and noble powers of the mind. Parents…are certainly disqualified to educate children properly if they have not first learned the lessons of self-control, patience, forbearance, gentleness, and love…” – Ellen G White, Councils to Parents, Teachers, and Students
Parents are to be role models for learning for a child
At home, under the tutelage of parents, a child is to learn the treasured lessons that are to guide him throughout life—lessons of respect, obedience, and self-control. The educational influences of the parents will to a large extent influence his path along his educational journey. It will influence the successes or failures he meets. Without a doubt parents are the first teachers in the formative years. Whether it is engaging in activities such as exploring nature, reading together, cooking together, or counting together. A parent is obligated to provide physical, mental, and social instruction. A solid foundation must be laid.
Parents are to spend quality time bonding with their children
If parents are not present in children’s lives today then they will not be in their memories tomorrow. A child may outgrow your lap, but will never outgrow your heart. As a child transitions to formal school, it is the parent’s job to show him how school is an extension of the learning started at home. A part of being involved includes ensuring they are engaged and challenged in their educational environment, as well as supporting their learning along the way. Learning should be fun so if students are uncomfortable in their school environment parents can consider alternatives such as online learning.
Parents are to help children to take responsibility for their learning
Many parents attribute the success or failure of their children to the teacher. This is an error that is best avoided. A child must see that his learning is very much his responsibility. “We want to keep children in charge of their learning and become responsible for it,” says Dalton Miller-Jones, Ph.D. “We want them to be responsible for their successes and failures, show them how engaging learning is, and that the motivations for learning should be the child’s intrinsic interests, not an external reward.”
Parents should offer moral support
Now is the time of greatest impact. “As parents, it is important for us to embrace, appreciate, and love them for who they are as an individual. You created them and brought them here, it is only natural for you to love them. – Carl Rhoe
As parents you need to realize that when you look and your child, you are looking at a replica of yourself. You therefore have a responsibility of guiding this child into the best possible human being he/she can become.