God’s Children
Updated: Aug 24, 2022
Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com
We all are God’s children so we need to serve Him
We all need to lead someone to His cross
And I know we can do it if we are united
We just need to have the Lord in our hearts
Go forth now God’s children make disciples to serve Him
Spread His love all abroad by Divine Grace and Love
As we all do His will living faithful and true
Take the gospel of faith it’s the theme for our lives
God’s children keep fighting, God’s children keep praying
God’s children keep sight of the old rugged cross
For it is the base of the gospel commission
It was upon the cross the Lord paid it all
Behold Christ comes quickly to take us to His Holy City
With its twelve gates of pearl and its streets of pure gold
There we’ll never have need of sunlight or moonlight For the glory of God will be the light that is there